When to Start Eviction.


The Landlord Protection Agency®presents John Reno, Esq.,a highly experienced Landlord – Tenant attorney based on Long Island, NY.

Q:  Dear Mr. Reno: 

If the tenant has not paid any rent for any given month, At what point do you start the eviction notice. 1 month late or longer? Julian Ornelas, Texas

A: You could have started on July 2nd. There’s no requirement that you wait unless your lease has a grace period. Then you should wait until the grace period is up.

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The Landlord Protection Agency’s “Ask the Attorney” column is for informational purposes only. The questions answered by Mr. Reno on this site do not constitute an attorney – client relationship and are not to be considered legal advice. Not all questions will be answered and some may appear in the LPA Q&A Forum.
The Landlord Protection Agency recommends that you seek legal advice before using any of the material offered on this web site, and makes no guarantee on the effectiveness, compliance with local laws or success of any of the material offered on this web site. The Landlord Protection Agency is not engaged in rendering legal advice.