Evicted Tenant Still Owes Money

ask-the-attorneyThe Landlord Protection Agency®presents John Reno, Esq.,a highly experienced Landlord – Tenant attorney based on Long Island, NY.

Q:  Dear Mr. Reno:

My tenants were evicted due to non-payment of rent. They did pay a portion but unable to provide full amount due. I want to try and recover the balance owed plus some damages left after moving, cost of not being able to rent due to time it will take for repairs, and cleaning fees. Most, if not all issues, are covered in signed lease. How and where do I go about this? Thank you. Carol – PA.

A: The tenants are no longer in possession so the eviction court has no jurisdiction. It’s a small claims court case now. Twenty dollar filing fee. Good Luck.

Legal Disclaimer
The Landlord Protection Agency’s “Ask the Attorney” column is for informational purposes only. The questions answered by Mr. Reno on this site do not constitute an attorney – client relationship and are not to be considered legal advice. Not all questions will be answered and some may appear in the LPA Q&A Forum.
The Landlord Protection Agency recommends that you seek legal advice before using any of the material offered on this web site, and makes no guarantee on the effectiveness, compliance with local laws or success of any of the material offered on this web site. The Landlord Protection Agency is not engaged in rendering legal advice.

When to Start Eviction.


The Landlord Protection Agency®presents John Reno, Esq.,a highly experienced Landlord – Tenant attorney based on Long Island, NY.

Q:  Dear Mr. Reno: 

If the tenant has not paid any rent for any given month, At what point do you start the eviction notice. 1 month late or longer? Julian Ornelas, Texas

A: You could have started on July 2nd. There’s no requirement that you wait unless your lease has a grace period. Then you should wait until the grace period is up.

Legal Disclaimer
The Landlord Protection Agency’s “Ask the Attorney” column is for informational purposes only. The questions answered by Mr. Reno on this site do not constitute an attorney – client relationship and are not to be considered legal advice. Not all questions will be answered and some may appear in the LPA Q&A Forum.
The Landlord Protection Agency recommends that you seek legal advice before using any of the material offered on this web site, and makes no guarantee on the effectiveness, compliance with local laws or success of any of the material offered on this web site. The Landlord Protection Agency is not engaged in rendering legal advice.

Deadbeat Partial Payments

ask-the-attorneyThe Landlord Protection Agency®presents John Reno, Esq.,a highly experienced Landlord – Tenant attorney based on Long Island, NY.

Q:  Dear Mr. Reno:

My father passed away and left a rental house to my brother and I . The person living in the house has been there around 15 years. On the agreement that was signed by my parents and the attendant was for a one year lease and that the rent would be 100.00 a week. This home is in Tuscaloosa , Alabama.

1. The attendant is thousands of dollars behind in his rent. Over the years my parent let him slide. The attendant always had some problem to prevent him from paying, my question is can we have him evicted for not paying rent if there was never a renewal of the lease or anything that we can find that state he can live there regardless?

2.. We have received around 400.00 for the last 6 months. Question is : he was told that if he didn’t pay is rent for the month of June we were going to evict him. We received a check for 100.00 at end of June and just received a check for 350.00. Can we cash these.? Been told if we did take even partial payment that it would mass up getting out of the house. Is this true or can we cash the checks.?

Thank you or your help

Brittney, Tuscaloosa , Alabama

A: 1. Take the $. 2. Serve Notice of Default; let him know what you think he owes. 3. Start eviction for non-payment. Good luck.

Legal Disclaimer
The Landlord Protection Agency’s “Ask the Attorney” column is for informational purposes only. The questions answered by Mr. Reno on this site do not constitute an attorney – client relationship and are not to be considered legal advice. Not all questions will be answered and some may appear in the LPA Q&A Forum.
The Landlord Protection Agency recommends that you seek legal advice before using any of the material offered on this web site, and makes no guarantee on the effectiveness, compliance with local laws or success of any of the material offered on this web site. The Landlord Protection Agency is not engaged in rendering legal advice.